Celia Esmaje is a Partner at Residential Construction Consultancy Airey Miller. She describes how working with Camden’s apprenticeships team to recruit an apprentice from the community has strengthened ties with the Council and unlocked local
As a major local buyer of services and goods, Camden is focused on making use of its procurement processes to achieve positive outcomes for its residents, businesses, and communities. To this end, Camden Apprenticeships team has formed
partnerships with Council suppliers to identify recruitment opportunities that benefit local people.
Residential construction consultancy service Airey Miller has embraced local apprenticeship recruitment as part of their social value commitment. In 2023 the company worked with Camden Apprenticeships team to develop a Project Administration
role. Partner Celia Esmaje describes how ‘the support of the apprenticeship recruitment service was crucial. We found that they made the onboarding process really straightforward,’.
The company recognises that embedding apprentices with the workforce helps with succession planning, enabling knowledge and experience to be passed on. Celia explains ‘It helps with employee retention, as apprentices become familiar with
the processes and systems within the organisation, making it easier for them to transition from the apprenticeship to available roles. They bring diversity, fresh ideas and new perspectives to project teams, as all previous knowledge
and skills can be transferable and are important.’
Airey Miller’s approach shows a willingness to take an active role in the economic growth and stability of the borough, working collaboratively with Camden Council to ensure their offer aligns with the needs of local residents. Celia recognises
the power and influence of large companies to unlock potential. ‘It provides another pathway to help residents into employment, especially residents who are disadvantaged and/or younger. More traditional routes of recruitment and selection
may not be appropriate or they don’t open doors due to inexperience, or a lack of knowledge for example. The support the apprenticeship offers to help them thrive and follow through to completion is invaluable.’
This collaborative approach to community investment brings mutual benefit to residents and employers, and strengthens ties with the Council. If you’re interested in finding more about how your organisation could benefit, contact Camden
apprenticeships@camden.gov.uk or call 02079748778.